
Protect your assignments by automatically monitoring for content online.

Currently limited to selected institutions. To gain access for your institution, send a request via the contact page.

How it works

AssignmentWatch works by automatically monitoring for your assignment content online.

1. AssignmentWatch submission

Complete the submission form and upload your assignment details.

2. Automated monitoring

AssignmentWatch will automatically monitor for your assignment.

3. Notification

If matching content is found, you will be sent a notification.

Meet our team

Edmund Pickering

Edmund received his PhD in mechanical engineering from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in 2018. He is a research fellow in the QUT Center for Biomedical Technologies, where his research interests are in tissue engineering, biomechanics, and mechanobiology. Edmund also maintains a second interest in acadmic integrity. He is an associate fellow the the Higher Education Academy and is a member of the Australian Academic Integrity Network.

Sam Cunningham
Sam Cunningham is a Lecturer in Learning and Teaching Development, Impact and Recognition within the Learning and Teaching Unit, and Electrical Engineering at the Queensland University of Technology. His research areas are primarily in engineering education and natural language processing, where he focuses on computationally extracting information from student-written pieces of text. He is a Senior Fellow and Associate Fellow (Indigenous) of the Higher Education Academy.
Sarah Dart
Sarah is a Senior Lecturer working in the central learning and teaching unit as well as the School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering at the Queensland University of Technology. Her background is in mechanical engineering and numerical modelling. Sarah’s impact on student learning has recently been recognized with citations from both the Australian Awards for University Teaching and Australasian Association for Engineering Education. Her research interests are in engineering education, educational technology, and academic development.
Sheona Thomson

Sheona is Strategic Lead, Assessment and Academic Integrity within the Learning and Teaching Unit, and Senior Lecturer in architecture the Faculty of Engineering at the Queensland University of Technology. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia. Her research areas include academic integrity and curriculum and assessment design.

Caslon Chua

Caslon received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, in 1988, 1993, and 1999, respectively. He is the department chair of Computing Technologies in the School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technologies at Swinburne University of Technology. His research interests focus on data analytics, security and human computer interaction. At the core of Caslon`s work is his involvement in analytics and security research, determination for innovation, and excellence in educational practice.

Rick Somers
Rick Somers received the BEng (Hons) degree in electrical engineering from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in 2021. He is currently working as a Research Assistant at QUT. His research areas are in natural language processing, with specific interests in automated formative assessment approaches, and applications of machine learning in engineering education.

Collaborative research

AssignmentWatch is a collaborative project between researchers at the Queensland Univeristy of Technology and the Swinburne University of Technology with funding and support from the Australian Council of Deans of ICT.