Frequently Asked Questions

Currently AssignmentWatch is provided free to Australian universities. This is with funding support from the Australian Council of Deans of ICT. If you would like to add AssignmentWatch support to your institution, please contact us via our ‘Contact Us’ page.

AssignmentWatch (AW) was developed with a focus on STEM subjects where academic misconduct through homework helper & contract cheating sites can be prevalent. However, assignment watch will work with assignments from any discipline area. AW works best with short and medium form questions which might be common in quizzes, take-home exams, problem solving tasks, etc. 

AssignmentWatch (AW) automates the burdensome task of monitoring your assignment for misconduct. AW provides you the peace of mind knowing that your assignment tasks are being monitored. Once AW identifies matching content, the response depends on you and your insitution. On many websites (e.g. Chegg, CourseHero) you can apply to have this content removed through a DMCA takedown request. This can be effective as it removes the opportunity for students to cheat. See our content removal page for more advice. Your instituion may also choose to do it’s own internal investigation.

Each email you receive from AssignmentWatch will contain an unsubscribe link; follow this link and complete the subsequent form. If you have trouble, contact us directly.

It is important to note that there is no single tool that can combat all types of misconduct. Different software tools are needed to prevent different types of misconduct. Many institutions use plagiarism detections software like Turnitin and iThenticate. These are powerful textmatching tools which compare submitted content against a database, to identify plagiarised content. While powerful, it’s these tools have some large limitations and are only applicable in certain scenarios. First, these are text-matching tools designed to detect plagiarism, this is most common in essays and reports. These tools don’t detect misconduct through homework-helper and contact-cheat websites. This type of cheating is growing rapidly and is the main form of academic misconduct in many institutions. Second, these tools work at submission, detecting misconduct after it occurs. AssignmentWatch monitors your assignment, and identifies when homework-helper and contract cheating websites are being used to cheat, this enables you to take preventative action, preventing misconduct before it occurs.