Funding received from the Australian Council of Deans of ICT to develop an innovative tool to monitor for academic misconduct through file-sharing and homework-helper sites. Then called the Upload and Plagiarise Alert SyStem (UPASS).
Validation study of the UPASS system to measure effectiveness at detecting content of various websites. Paper under review.
UPASS field tested in 16 units across 32 assignments and 6 institutions (QUT, Swinburne, EIT, LaTrobe, ACU, RMIT). UPASS received extremely positive feedback from our participants with 82% stating it helped maintain integrity, and 73% stating that UPASS helped identify matching assignments online. Paper under review.
UPASS project presented at the inaugural Australian Academic Integrity Network Forum 2021.
Further support and funding recieved from the Australian Council of Deans of ICT in the ALTA small grants scheme 2022.
In preparation for broad release, UPASS renamed to AssignmentWatch. released, provided freely to Australian universities.
AssignmentWatch wins the Tracey Bretag Prize for academic integrity.
AssignmentWatch team receives a Vice-Changellor's Award for Student Learning Excellence